Schreibtisch mit Laptop, Mikrofon, Notizblock, Smartphone und Kaffeetasse – Symbolbild für technische Lösungen.

Discover our comprehensive technical solutions for your business. From file format support to advanced tools and technologies, learn how we tackle technical challenges and ensure your content is flawlessly displayed across all platforms. Count on our expertise to meet your technical requirements—precisely, reliably, and always up to date.

Elektro-Material: Employee Trainings for the Swiss Market

Logo mit den Buchstaben 'EM' in Grün, eingerahmt von zwei roten horizontalen Linien.

The Swiss wholesale company Elektro-Material AG (EM) sought a long-term translation partner capable of meeting the technical demands of e-learning localization while maintaining the precise tone required. To ensure this, EM implemented a professional and structured selection process.